Way of the Founder Courses

Find your Perfect Fit:
Join Freedom Seekers Community for $39/month:<br />
For Online Entrepreneurs who seek freedom of<br />
judgment, expectations, location, and time.

The Blueprint for Rebellious Coaches:

Six Figures Freedom Coach Blueprint

Create location and time freedom through coaching, without sacrificing your integrity, time, or sass, live life on your terms, and impact thousands.

This blueprint outlines exactly what to focus on, and what to throw by the wayside, in order to grow a business that travels, scales, and serves, all while giving you back time and celebrating who you are.

Join Freedom Seekers Community for $39/month:<br />
For Online Entrepreneurs who seek freedom of<br />
judgment, expectations, location, and time.

The Program to Scale your Impact:

Freedom Offers

Freedom Offers will guide you to create an Offer Suite that uplevels your income, how you serve, and who you serve without spending more time (less, actually).

Freedom Offers teaches you to create an offer suite that provides solutions across your client journey, at all times, and at varying price points.

As a result, your offers nurture your clients on your behalf, you can expand your high-touch offers, scale your income, and free up more time to move across the pond, travel the world, or simply CHOOSE what your schedule looks like.

Join Freedom Seekers Community for $39/month:<br />
For Online Entrepreneurs who seek freedom of<br />
judgment, expectations, location, and time.

The Membership for all Freedom-Based Business Owners:

Freedom Seekers Community

Freedom Seekers know that freedom is a mindset first, a business strategy second.

Join Today:

  • Activate your Freedom Mindset.
  • Expand your business.
  • Design your dream life, independent of location.
Join Freedom Seekers Community for $39/month:<br />
For Online Entrepreneurs who seek freedom of<br />
judgment, expectations, location, and time.

The Space where Dreams become Reality:

Private Coaching


Discover your innermost desires and develop tools and strategies to increase your income, deepen your aliveness, and expand your impact.

Private coaching can help you embark on a journey within, lead beyond, and discover a path that aligns with your true self, away from the beaten path and right there, on YOUR path, in YOUR way.

Not sure what’s right for you? Email with any questions at [email protected] and I’ll point you in the right direction.