How to Create a Coaching Package as a Digital Nomad Coach

by | Sep 27, 2024 | 0 comments

If you’re a digital nomad running a coaching or service-based business, it’s crucial to know how to create a coaching package that not only delivers powerful results but also creates the time freedom you crave, and sells effortlessly.

But what exactly is a coaching package? Many coaches will tell you it’s a 3- or 6-month container where you meet with clients twice a month and offer ongoing support.

And sure, that’s true—for your highest-ticket, most exclusive coaching package. It’s premium, expensive, and definitely not for everyone.

But what about the rest of your digital nomad business? You’ll need to create scalable coaching offers that help you grow without adding more 3 a.m. client calls to your calendar.

Let’s dive into how to do just that.

But first, feel free to plug into my free webinar that teaches you how to pave your own path into location independence as a coach:

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Get Started with your Digital Nomad Coaching Business:

Build a Thriving Location-Independent Coaching Business

Taught by a Veteran Digital Nomad, 6-Figure Professional Coach, and fierce Freedom Seeker, Dina-Marie.

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    What’s a Digital Nomad Coach?

    Great question! And there are two answers, really.

    On the one hand, a digital nomad coach is someone who teaches aspiring and veteran nomads how to build a service-based business that generates serious income—all while staying location-independent. (Yes, that’s me—yours truly!)

    But guess what? A digital nomad coach is also YOU: someone who serves clients while traveling the world. Your coaching sessions might happen from Bali, Thailand, Costa Rica, or Germany. And the best part? You’re offering ongoing support to your clients while you explore new places.

    But remote coaching comes with its own set of unique challenges. It’s more than just making sure the WiFi works before you book your Airbnb. There’s a lot more to consider when running a business on the go, hence this article…

    The structural requirements of a digital nomad coaching business

    To truly succeed as a digital nomad coach, you need to structure your business in a way that supports indirect service, one-to-many offers, and automated nurturing and selling. This is how you grow without burning out.

    Let’s break that down:

    • Indirect Service: Your nomad business can’t rely solely on 1:1 coaching. If you want to scale, you need to serve clients without always being on a call. This can look like evergreen courses, community memberships, masterminds, or funnels that allow clients to self-select the offer that fits them best.
    • One-to-Many Offers: Knowing how to create a coaching package for multiple clients at once is key. You’ll need to master delivering transformation to a group, holding space for many people, and guiding them through that journey. And, of course, knowing how to sell into these containers is critical.
    • Automated Nurturing and Selling: While you might sell 1:1 packages via calls, your other programs can sell through automated funnels. These funnels guide potential clients through the decision-making process, allowing you to get a massage while selling a $4k package—at the same time.

    I cover all of this in detail in my $39 Digital Nomad Coach Blueprint. This course will set you up with a no-burnout, no-sacrifice strategy to build a nomad business that aligns with your freedom-based lifestyle.

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    How to Create a Coaching Package that serves and sells – while you travel the world

    Every coaching package you create should have a clear purpose. Whether you’re crafting an evergreen course or building a mastermind, each offer needs to provide specific solutions that align with your overall business mission.

    For example, the purpose of an evergreen course might be to solve a specific problem you know your audience struggles with. On the other hand, a mastermind could focus on fostering community, vulnerability, and personal growth, elevating members through shared experiences.

    Without a clear purpose, your coaching packages won’t sell. But before we dive into how to create a coaching package, let’s check out a few coaching program examples to get a better sense of the types of offers you can build.

    How to Create a Coaching Package: Coaching Program Examples

    One on One private Coaching

    One-on-one coaching is usually the first offer you create, and for good reason. It’s the easiest to sell, offers the highest return on investment, and gives you invaluable market research for your future one-to-many offers.

    For new coaches, I recommend starting with a simple 3- or 6-month package:

    • 3 months of coaching with two 90-minute calls per month, plus Slack support throughout.
    • When it comes to how to price coaching packages, you should focus on the transformation—not the hours spent. For example, instead of charging per session, you should price your three month package at $1,500 based on the results you’ll deliver.

    You’ll typically sell these coaching packages by forming genuine relationships with potential clients, often starting with a free, no-strings-attached, coaching session. (I break down this whole process in detail here)

    Don’t overcomplicate it—adding extra resources, done-for-you services, or fancy VIP days isn’t necessary. Keep it simple and results-driven.

    Group Coaching and Masterminds

    Group coaching and masterminds are usually the next, if not a crucial, step away from 1:1 offers. You can either run a mastermind with a set start and end date, or offer a rolling program.

    A mastermind doesn’t need a rigid curriculum—the group itself sets the agenda and drives the transformation. A good length? 6 months.

    As the coach, your role is to provide access to your expertise and foster a supportive community. How? Create a lively Slack group where participants can interact, offer ongoing coaching inside the channel, and host regular group coaching calls.

    This isn’t a place for rigid teaching (though you’ll guide them deeply). It’s about holding space for these humans to unleash their highest potential.

    Your group coaching packages will be priced lower than your 1:1 coaching but significantly higher than your evergreen courses. While I”ve participated in masterminds with up to 18+ participants, I personally cap mine at 10 for more intimate growth.

    Evergreen coaching programs

    Your evergreen courses should address one specific problem at a time. You can run it live once, and then sell it as a pre-recorded program. And you can, and should, have multiple such courses.

    Why add evergreen courses to your suite of offers? Easy:

    • Clients can self-select into these coaching programs anytime based on what they need.
    • You can create and scale without any extra time commitment post-purchase (cue the beach vibes while selling a course in the background!).
    • You’re able to create massive transformation for clients at a more accessible price point, letting them test the waters with you before committing to bigger investments.

    Your evergreen coaching programs will be the most affordable offers in your suite and provide the least amount of direct access to you.

    For example, a 60-minute masterclass can go for $49, while a longer program that takes a couple of weeks to consume could sell for $800. The point is to offer transformation at all levels.

    In my Freedom Offers program, I dig deep into the ideal length of different courses, offers, and programs, and explain why and how you should create each one so that your oveall structure is strategic.

    Which Coaching Packages Should you Offer as a Digital Nomad Coach?

    So, should you have all these offers in your digital nomad coaching business? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: You need to figure out which types of coaching packages align best with your lifestyle and business vision and mission — and then create that business.

    At the heart of it all will be your freedom offers, designed to serve, sell, and scale in a way that aligns with your purpose.

    And you’ll need more than one offer, but none of them should be random. If you’re ready to skip the years of trial and error, my Freedom Offers program will guide you through creating all the offers you need to start raking in thousands while traveling the world.

    Join Freedom Seekers Community for $39/month:<br>
For Online Entrepreneurs who seek freedom of<br>
judgment, expectations, location, and time.

    The Program to Scale your Impact:

    Freedom Offers

    Freedom Offers will guide you to create an Offer Suite that uplevels your income, how you serve, and who you serve without spending more time (less, actually).

    Freedom Offers teaches you to create an offer suite that provides solutions across your client journey, at all times, and at varying price points.

    As a result, your offers nurture your clients on your behalf, you can expand your high-touch offers, scale your income, and free up more time to move across the pond, travel the world, or simply CHOOSE what your schedule looks like.

    How to Create a Coaching Package from Scratch

    When comes to how to create a coaching package from scratch, you need to think strategically. Here’s what you should consider:

    • How does this offer fit into your overall business purpose and client journey?
    • What problem are you solving? Why does this matter to your audience?
    • What outcome are you delivering? How will it change your clients’ lives, and why is that important?
    • What will clients need to succeed? This determines your deliverables.
    • What does the transformation require? Is it a masterclass, program, or mastermind?
    • How much energy will it take for you to deliver? This helps determine your offer structure and price point.

    Let’s break this down a little further.

    How to Create a Coaching Package: Behind the Scenes

    Your offer needs to align with both your clients’ journey and your personal freedom goals. Ask yourself:

    • How does this serve my clients? (This determines whether the offer will serve and sell.)
    • How does this serve my income and lifestyle? (If it drains you, it’s not worth it, no matter how popular it is.)

    You also need to make sure you’re set up to deliver this offer successfully. Do you have the tech, the audience, and the systems in place? If you’re new to location-independent coaching, you’ll need to build the backend infrastructure to ensure smooth delivery.

    Finally, be clear about where this offer fits into your offer suite. Is it a lead-in or a high-ticket offer?

    For example, my Digital Nomad Blueprint is designed as an affordable entry point, offering huge value while introducing clients to my world. It’s not meant to make six figures on its own, but rather to set the stage for future, more comprehensive offers. Meanwhile, my membership is meant foster ongoing relationships with clients and provide regular touchpoint for members.

    Find this helpful? Save this article for later:

    How to Structure a Coaching Program

    New coaches often overthink the structure of their coaching programs. Let’s clear this up: Stuffing your offers with extras rarely increases their value.

    Instead, ask this: 

    What do your clients need to get from Point A (their problem) to Point B (their desired transformation)?

    That’s it. Your answer defines the structure.

    If they need a community element, build in a Slack channel. If they need a simple, two-hour process, maybe it’s a two-part mastermind. No need to drown them in unnecessary PDFs, calls, or handouts.

    Your answer to the above question determines the length, components, and delivery method of your package. Focus on what drives transformation, not how much “stuff” you can include.

    The structure of your programs is probably where the most energy leaks out of anyone’s coaching business, simply due to a lack of strong coaching boundaries. Getting those right will help you clarify the scope of your programs.

    How to Price Coaching Packages

    I can’t tell you what you should charge, but I will share with you the factors you must consider when pricing your offers. Your prices must be aligend with three key goals:

    1. Pay for your lifestyle (comfortably!).
    2. Make sense within your offer suite.
    3. Support your long-term business vision.

    If you’re constantly booked out with 1:1 clients but can’t make rent, it’s time to raise your prices.

    Similarly, your pricing should make sense across the board. For example, a mastermind should cost more than an evergreen course but less than 1:1 coaching.

    And your high-ticket offer should be priced so that your other offers fill up more easily. Without these stark price brackets in your business, you’ll have a hard time moving from 1:1 coaching into a more diverse and scalable offer-structure.

    Also, your prices need to support your freedom-based business goals. If you want to make 50% of your revenue on autopilot, a diversified, high-ticket evergreen offer suite will get you there. Ten $39 programs won’t move the needle. But five $995 programs regularly sold just might.

    Note that none of this has to do with what you’re worth or what you think others will pay you for your offers. These are subjective, often ego-centric considerations.

    Forget about “charging your worth.” Instead, focus on strategic pricing. If your offers are structured and priced strategically, your revenue will follow.

    How to Set up a Coaching Program

    Once you’ve defined the purpose, structure, and price of your offer, it’s time to set it up.

    Though a bit counter-intuitively, the more access your clients have to you, the less setup you need to do.

    A high-ticket 1:1 coaching package requires little more than Zoom and maybe a Slack channel. On the flip side, an evergreen membership will need payment processors, automated emails, and a course hosting platform to keep things smooth.

    Your high-access containers (like 1:1 coaching or live group programs) require minimal setup but plenty of direct energy, which why you charge the most for them. The fewer access there is, the more automated the delivery of the program must be so that you don’t have to do anything post-purchase.

    Check out this article where I share every single platform and software I use to set up and efficiently run my coaching business and offers.

    Notice what I didn’t Say you Need:

    Now, to wrap this up, I didn’t give you a run down of all the compontents your coahcing package should have. This simply isn’t important when learning how to create a coaching package.

    It doesn’t matter if you offer weekly or bi-weekly group calls, daily, or only twice-a-week coaching in Slack, or one or two handouts.

    Instead, all of this will be logically determined by your expertise once you’ve dialed in the purpose, problem, and transformation you offer addresses.

    Learning how to create coaching packages does require a mental learning curve. You’ll get it wrong, you’ll price an offer too low, and oversell spots to your mastermind. It’s ok.

    Just know that, in the end, it really only takes a bit of strategy and a lot of confidence in the knowledge you already have…because, otherwise, you wouldn’t be a coach.

    Nomad Business Coaching

    If you want to learn how to create a coaching package while still working your 9-to-5, and how to scale your offers so that 1:1 coaching is no longer your bread and butter, I’m here to support you. Here’s how:

    My free webinar, 6 Steps to Location Independence, is perfect if you’re unsure where to start but feel deep down that a change is necessary. I’ll break it all down for you and take the guesswork out of the process.

    The Digital Nomad Blueprint outlines the exact system I wish I had five years ago when I first embarked on the journey to becoming a Location-Independent Coach. It provides all the systems and elements you need to scale without burnout, grow beyond time zones, and serve clients without sacrificing your integrity or sleep.

    Freedom Offers is ideal if you’re new to creating coaching packages and want to learn how to design offers that serve, sell, and scale with ease. This program will help you expand beyond 1:1 coaching without losing revenue or your sanity.

    Private mentorship is for you if you already have a solid idea of your offers and are ready to skyrocket to the next level, making magic happen in your free-spirited life and business.

    Message me if you need help finding the right resources.

    And GO YOU for plunging into your nomadic business journey!!!

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    Hi! I'm Dina

    I guide visionary coaches to grow a location-independent business without trading money for time, so that you can live a freedom-based life on purpose. Oh! And I have tons of good digital nomad resources.

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      Join Freedom Seekers Community for $39/month: For Online Entrepreneurs who seek freedom of judgment, expectations, location, and time.

      Hi, I’m Dina!

      I help you turn your unique expertise and personality into a coaching business that travels, serves, and scales without sleaze, so that you can live your best freedom-based life yet.

      selling coaching offer

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