Unleash Your Potential: Benefits of Hiring a Business Coach

by | Jul 15, 2024 | 0 comments

“I can figure it out.” … a bold sentence that has yet to lead an online coach to prosperity and success. (sorry for the blunt opening)

Meanwhile, the benefits of hiring a business coach from the get-go and doing so continuously are vast, nearly instantaneous, and deeply rewarding.

But I get it – why invest in a business that has yet to bring in revenue? And as a coach, aren’t you supposed to ‘know it all’? What will your clients think of you if you hire a coach?

I’ve been there. Trying to do it all by myself: Podcast while running, YouTube videos while showering, and random people’s blog articles over a glass of wine at night. 

And I did learn a ton. However, the real growth of my being and my business didn’t kick in until I pulled the trigger and invested in hiring a business coach

Suddenly, I was gaining my time and energy back, because I could trust in the blueprint of someone who’s been there done that. Moreover, I had someone to call me out on my shit. Hours of contemplative journaling were replaced with one expertly delivered kick in the butt from my coach. 

Since that first investment, I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars as a life coach and business coach. And as I invest more, I make more. And as I make more in an aligned way, I create more transformation for my clients and more freedom for myself

While the benefits of hiring a business coach become nearly immediately obvious once you’ve made that decision, they may not be if you’re not yet in the habit of investing in coaching. 

I’d like to help you with recognizing the benefits of hiring a business coach: for your strategic efforts, your mindset and the way you show up, and the mentorship a coach can offer. 

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Types of Coaches

First of all, everyone and their mother calls themselves coach these days. So do I. And likely, so do you. For your own sake and your business’ sake, it’s important that you’re clear on your definitions.

Because without, your content will lack clarity and boldness. And because without, you could actually end up hiring the wrong kind of coach.

Life Coach / Professional Coach

A life coach will help you become a person who powerfully steps through limiting beliefs and obstacles to create a new relationship with self, life, colleagues, and loved ones. 

In life coaching, big questions are the guide, and your life is the curriculum. 

Life coaches are skilled in leading the client through strategic questions and silence. The power of life coaching can lead to life-changing transformations – it can change your marriage, your relationship with your body, and your career trajectory. It has for me, and it has for my clients

Some life coaches, like me, are also experts at growing businesses and will add business coaching to their offers. However, the curriculum, in the case of business coaching, is not ‘your life’, but your business. More on that below. 

Buy the Blueprint: Everything you need to have in place to grow, scale, and love your location-independent coaching business, so that you can stop the guesswork and start to grow:

On a red background, a girl with big frames, short blonde hair, and a black shirt, is standing on one leg and laughing with abandon. In the foreground, the following text read:<br />
Yours for $39: Six Figures Nomad Business Blurprint. Scale Your Biz. Gain Back Time. Travel the world. </p>
<p>Create location and time freedom through entrepreneurship without sacrificing your integrity, live life on your terms, and impact thousands.

The Blueprint for Rebels:

6 Figure Digital Nomad Entrepreneur Blueprint

Create location and time freedom through service-based entrepreneurship, without sacrificing your integrity, time, or sass, live life on your terms, and impact thousands.

This blueprint outlines exactly what to focus on, and what to throw by the wayside, in order to grow a business that travels, scales, and serves, all while giving you back time and celebrating who you are.

Executive Coach

Executive coaches typically work on the leadership skills of teams. This trend started, of course, with executives hiring coaches to help them with leadership and communication skills.

We’ve seen a wonderful trend of corporations recognizing and investing in the benefits of offering executive coaching to their staff, regardless of seniority level.

Business Coach / Mentor

Finally, an effective business coach is, by training, a life coach AND has the experience in business to provide strategic support as you build a business they are familiar with building. 

Unpacking this: a business coach, to help you effectively implement the strategy taught, must also know how to lead you through setbacks, limiting beliefs, and behavioral patterns. 

Unlike life coaches, however, a business coach must also be trained and experienced in the business side of things, and provide business support in a way conducive to it. 

teach my clients how to package their expertise with differing offers and formats to serve most powerfully while growing the business sustainably. 

And yes, a life coach should work with both a life coach and a business coach. (If you’re a digital nomad, figure out how a digital nomad coach can support, perhaps even, transform your journey)

two women hugging each other. One wears blue jeans and a blue strapless and has blonde short hair. The other wears dark jeans and a black shirt, and has dark long hair.
One of my most long-standing client came to Spain for an in-person VIP day. Boy, did we dive deep into mindset and strategy to help her realize her boldest dreams.

How to know which coach to hire

I’ve hired all these mentors, and across the board, here’s what you must have in place and what you should look for in all coaching support your hire:

All coaches must have strong coaching skills. A certification isn’t needed, however, experience in coaching and extensive training is, in my opinion, a must to serve the client powerfully and guide the client through uncovering and changing limiting beliefs and restrictive patterns.

Your coach should embody what they teach or coach on. Think, lifestyle, type of business, level of income. The latter is especially true for business coaches.

And finally, what is it the coach is coaching on? A life coach may not be the best hire if you’re looking to grow your online coaching business. A business coach, on the other hand, is.

Before I make an investment, I ask myself:

  • How will I show up for this experience?
  • What will this investment help me do faster, better, and in a more aligned way?
  • Why is now the best time to hire a …?

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Benefits of Hiring a Business Coach for your Business

So, why hire a business coach? 

Generally speaking, there are three main benefits of hiring a business coach. 

First of all, a coach will help take the guesswork out of business and offer a strategy in a way that works for your definition of freedom, your business goals, and your needs

Secondly, a business coach will support you in becoming the best CEO version of yourself. Mindset! 

Thirdly, a business coach will be able to mentor you through all setbacks, doubts, and obstacles from a place of empathy and, importantly, experience. 

Strategic Benefits of Hiring a Business Coach

Expanded and Accelerated Growth

A business coach will be able to pinpoint your biggest area of financial and business growth and guide you with the right strategy within seconds. This is true whether you choose to build a coaching business with or without social media

Having a coach’s birds-eye-view will allow you to expand your sense of growth, even your dreams: 

What’s possible expands. 

Moreover, a business coach will be able to guide you through the steps you must take to realize your growth fully: 

A business coach offers clarity. 

Meanwhile, taking yourself to YouTube University instead of hiring a coach will take you down various, often contradictory, paths of how to grow and leave you will more confusion and confidence. 

Tapping into Strategic Thinking

One of the most lasting benefits of hiring a business coach is that you’ll not only learn how to take your business from X to Y, but how to go far beyond that.

Now, there are lots of pyramid schemes in this industry, I’ll say. However, a coach who can help you create a business model that’s not a copy of their own business will help beyond the time you spend working with them:

You’ll learn how to think about your business strategically.

A business coach will teach you to think of your business in terms of opportunity, return on investment, and growth potential.

Your relationship to hiring a team, utilizing your profits strategically, and providing offers will change. In turn, you’ll serve more clients more powerfully and have more of the impact you wish to have.

Saves you Money and Time

If you’re not yet in the habit of hiring coaches to support your growth, this might be a bit of an outlandish idea. But making the investment in a business coach will save you money and time. 

It will save you time because you’ll take the guesswork out of both mind and action. You’ll have someone to help you handle your doubts and beliefs quickly. 

Similarly, you’ll have someone who can confidently guide you through the actions that must be taken to provide service in a scalable and powerful way. 

It’s because of this acceleration of business growth that hiring a business coach will also save you money:

If you’re not spending money on something, you’re spending time on it. And if you’re in business to make money, which I assume you are, you better start making money. Otherwise, you’re losing money on the time you’re trying to figure out how to do it. 

There’s another piece to this: a good business mentor will be able to support you in setting up your business for profit, not just revenue. 

Mindset Benefits of Hiring a Business Coach

Closing the Gap between reality and dream

This is pretty much the definition of business coaching: A business coach helps you close the gap between reality and dream through mental support and strategic action

A business coach will help you create a bold and powerful dream and guide you to take aligned and strategic action toward that dream without compromising your integrity

With the strategy piece set, a business coach will then also know how to move you into a place where you can fully embody that future, and that future Self now, so that your actions can lead to the desired results. 

This is why pyramid ‘let-me-teach-you-what-I-did’ business coaches ultimately disappear: they can’t effectively help their clients with the mindset piece and, thus, fail to close the gap between reality and dream. 

Helps you turn perceived Obstacles into Opportunities

The coaching world calls this limiting beliefs. And the way in which we relate to anything, determines the action we take in response to it.

A business coach can help you recognize where your beliefs are holding you back and help you shift your relationship to reality in a way that supercharges your actions.

See, we all have limiting beliefs. Conditioned beliefs from childhood. And beliefs we picked up from past relationships, jobs, or even school. Until we learn to uncover them, our beliefs run the show. And that’s not exactly conducive to growing a business out of thin air.

A coach will help you unleash your power by uncovering your limiting beliefs and turning them into pure gold.

Provides a Space of Psychological Safety

Not gonna lie: building a business is hard, and it’s a somewhat cathartic experience. Suddenly, your daddy issues are triggered out of seemingly nowhere. You’re back at working through your validation issues, and your self-worth.

Building a coaching business where you work with people all day long will only amplify that experience. A business coach will be able to offer a safe space for you to work through all doubts, triggers, and wobbles that come up while growing your business.

It’s through this psychological safety provided by a business coach, that you can take courageous action in your business.

Free Download:

Created by a Veteran Digital Nomad, 6-Figure Professional Coach, and fierce Freedom Seeker, Dina-Marie.

For the experienced Nomad Entrepreneur who is ready to take their life and business to the next level.

Purpose-aligned business goals will set you up for massive sucess within just 5 steps and 20 pages. Perfect for 12-month planning:

Invitation to download my free guide for Nomad Entrepreneurs to create purpose-aligned business goals

Align your Biz to what makes you tick, and your goals to your larger-than-life vision.

Mentorship Benefits of Hiring a Business Coach

Unwavering Belief and Guidance

A life coach or executive coach can be wildly effective without knowing a thing about the industry you’re in. In fact, I find that I’m more effective when I don’t even read up on my client’s industry. That is, if I coach them exclusively on their life, not their business.

This is because the job of a life coach is to work with the human and their relationship to a problem. Not the problem.

However, in business coaching, the coach is effective because they know how to guide a client though a mindset issue AND because they have the experience needed to provide mentorship around the problem itself.

It’s from that place of skill and experience that a business coach can offer you unwavering support and belief in your ability to succeed.

A business coach doesn’t have to know it all (I don’t), but they have enough perspective to mentor you through shitty experiences in business. this is really where the power of coaching shines brilliantly.

Final Thoughts

Hiring a business coach to support you in growing your online coaching business may be a daunting task, especially in the beginning.

However, I challenge you, implore you to consider doing so. Of course, don’t make financial decisions that will put you and your family in jeopardy.

But do make the uncomfortable decision. Biting the bullet and hiring support for your business will allow you to move out of the start-up discomfort much more quickly, confidently, and sustainably.

You may be forging your own path towards freedom. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn from others who’ve gone off the beaten path before you.

Learn from me how to grow a location-independent coaching business here.

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Hi! I'm Dina

I guide visionary coaches to grow a location-independent business without trading money for time, so that you can live a freedom-based life on purpose. Oh! And I have tons of good digital nomad resources.

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    On a red background, a girl with big frames, short blonde hair, and a black shirt, is standing on one leg and laughing with abandon. In the foreground, the following text read: Yours for $39: Six Figures Nomad Business Blurprint. Scale Your Biz. Gain Back Time. Travel the world. Create location and time freedom through entrepreneurship without sacrificing your integrity, live life on your terms, and impact thousands.
    On a red background, a girl with big frames, short blonde hair, and a black shirt, is standing on one leg and laughing with abandon. In the foreground, the following text read: Yours for $39: Six Figures Nomad Business Blurprint. Scale Your Biz. Gain Back Time. Travel the world. Create location and time freedom through entrepreneurship without sacrificing your integrity, live life on your terms, and impact thousands.

    Hi, I’m Dina!

    I help you turn your unique expertise and personality into a coaching business that travels, serves, and scales without sleaze, so that you can live your best freedom-based life yet.

    selling coaching offer


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